من جامعة اوديسا يا باوكرانيا تحصل الناشط المدنى يوسف غالي على درجة الماجستير فى علوم الحاسوب وهو من التخصصات العلمية المهمة …نبارك لأخينا يوسف على تخرجه ونتمنى له كل التوفيق والنجاح فى حياته العملية وخدمة مجتمعه..
منظمة التبو الدولية
من جامعة اوديسا يا باوكرانيا تحصل الناشط المدنى يوسف غالي على درجة الماجستير فى علوم الحاسوب وهو من التخصصات العلمية المهمة …نبارك لأخينا يوسف على تخرجه ونتمنى له كل التوفيق والنجاح فى حياته العملية وخدمة مجتمعه..
منظمة التبو الدولية
copied fromToubou Média facebook websit
In its policy of promoting excellence, gender and social development, Toubou Media would like to warmly congratulate Dr. Mariam Goukouni Weddeye on her brilliant defense held on July 22, 2020.
In our abandoned regions (BET and Kanem) and without reliable health structures, which are sorely lacking qualified health professionals, we hope that Mariam Goukouni's journey will give vocation to youth in general and youth young girls in particular.
الدكتور ابوبكر مينا احد ابناء التبو بليبيا واحد خريجى كلية الطب من جامعة طرابلس واحد نشطاء المجتمع المدنى , عرف بحبه للعلم واجتهاده فى طلب الدرجات العليا فى تخصصه وهو مجال الطب , اجتهد ونال ثمرة اجتهاده نبارك له هذا الانجاز ونتمنى له حياة عملية مفعمة بالنشاط فى خدمة اهلنا فى الجنوب الليبى الجنوب فى حاجة ماسة الى الاطباء المحليين من ابناء الجنوب …
نسال الله له التوفيق , وان يجعله زخرا للوطن وقدوة لكل ابناء التبو المتطلعين الى العلم والتقدم
•Tuareg and Toubou tribes have both been systematically suppressed under the different governement rule. •Both tribes have ethnic and tribal links beyond the Libyan border, to the south of the country. •The two tribes co-existed peacefully under the Midi Midi truce until September 2014, when fighting between the two tribes broke out in Ubari city in the south of Libya>
الفن التشكيلى
احد الاقلام الشابة من امة التبو يكتب عن اهمية التقنية والمغلوماتية فى هذا العصر ويحث ابناء التبو على ضرورة الولوج لهذا العصر بوسائله المتاحة لكى يواكبو العصر
In Chad, rare are the former presidents who thought of writing their history in order to bequeath to the future generations the combat which they waged. For this fact, the former Chadian president from 1980 to 1982, broke with this culture of refusal to share to transmit to his people a heritage through a historical narrative.
Walled for four (4) decades, Goukouni Weddeye has chosen the publishing house "Espace et Signes" to address Chadians and witnesses of the tumultuous history of this country in a work entitled "combatant, a life for Chad" "
At the head of Chad from 1980 to 1982 before being overthrown by Hissein Habré, Goukouni Weddeye came out of his silence to tell his fighting life by restoring history without accusing. His choice rests on the fact of avoiding to stir the still healing wound of a nation which is struggling to turn the page of the past and see towards the future.
Thirty eight (38) years after his departure from business, Goukouni Weddeye, whose reign was only of short duration, remains however a major political actor in the political history of Chad.
By deciding to write this book, everything suggests that the former Chadian president is seeking the way of reconciliation and forgiveness with his people. He, like so many other Chadian politicians, is clearly accountable for the successive political failures which did not lead to the construction of a Chadian nation in love with justice and human dignity which accepts itself despite the differences and the denominational and political antagonism.
Aware of the virtue of the transmission of oral to written, Goukouni Weddey who remains one of the last Chadian leaders still alive leaves Chadians with a rich legacy in terms of information and passionate stories. Read "Fighter, a life for Chad" to learn more about the history of this country bruised by the fault and mistakes of its own sons.
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