The importance of technology to our nationمقال عن اهمية التقنية والمعلوماتية للمجتمع التباوى/



احد الاقلام الشابة من امة التبو يكتب عن اهمية التقنية والمغلوماتية فى هذا العصر ويحث ابناء التبو على ضرورة الولوج لهذا العصر بوسائله المتاحة لكى يواكبو العصر


…. is an essential aspect of our lives today, it's the direction in which the world's heading, for many it's indispensible due to its fundamental rule in connecting us, and giving us a voice and introduce ourselves to people we might not have been able to interact with or even learn about. Giving that the Tobou tribes is a weak, somewhat unknown minority that reside in three contiguous nations with cultural, economic and social challanges, the Tobou tribes has always been an excluded community with difficulties manafested in the shabby and delapidated homes they inhabit and the sem-primitive life style they've always lived, from unenviable strains ranging from disttitution to political excommunication which as alluded to above can be easily resolved through technology, specifically social media and media networks, shedding light onto the state, past and future of this tribe, subsquantely establishing a sense of harmony and friendliness between other international communities and Tobou. It's necessary for us to recognize that in order for that to happen, young and old people belonging to the Tobou tribes to visit the digital world when possible and building a platform through which they'll be able to attract others and popularize their cause and struggles.