Rwanda is testing a locally made ventilator to use in the treatment of New Coronavirus patients which was developed by a team of engineers at the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) in what could be a major breakthrough in making of the much needed device in the treatment of COVID-19.
Though the ventilator, which helps COVID-19 patients in critical condition to breathe well when their lungs are struggling, is yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Authority (FDA), experts have hailed the innovation by the team at the Kigali Campus of the polytechnic.
In the other hand , Rwandans are advised to wear face masks when they happen to go in public and while in multi-family compounds. Local factories are producing them massively.
روندا الدولة الافريقية التى طحنتها حرب اهلية وراح ضحيتها ما يقارب المليون من سكانها تقدم لافريقيا نمودجا للدولة التى تنتهج مبادىء التنمية المستدامة وتطوير القدرات الانتاجية بالاعتماد على الكوادى المحلية من ابنائها , احدى المعاهد التقنية المحلية تخترع جهازا للتنفس الاصطناعى ووشركات محلية اخرى تجتهد فى صناعة الكمامات محلية ..وجود الارادة والعزيمة والاستقرار السياسى جعل من روندا مثالا للدولة النمودج فى النمو.