High-level event “Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages”, 27-28 February 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico
حكومة المكسيك بالتعاون مع منظمة اليونسكو تعلن عن اقامة فعالية بداء عقدا من احياء اللغات الاصلية وذلك من الفترة 27-28 فبراير من هذا الشهر
Venue: Los Pinos Cultural Complex, former Official Residence Los Pinos.
Building on the legacy of the International Year of Indigenous Languages and in line with the United Nations resolutions 73/156 as well as an immediate follow up to its decision to proclaim a Decade of Indigenous Languages commencing on 1 January on 2022 (Ref.: A/74/396, para 24), UNESCO and the Government of Mexico, are organizing a high-level event entitled “Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages” on 27 and 28 February 2020 at Los Pinos in Mexico City, Mexico. The high-level event will conclude the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL2019) with a comprehensive review of the outcomes, lessons learnt from the impact-oriented activities carried out around the world and provide concrete recommendations for a preparatory process (2020-2021) of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022 - 2032). This event will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, including high-level representatives of the national governments, Indigenous organizations, Indigenous peoples, scholars and experts in the field of Indigenous languages, and other partners from public and private sectors for a constructive dialogue. Please visit the high-level event website. Online Registration by 17 February.