The Ten Commandments of Stephen Covey


Stephen Covey is one of the most famous writers of human development in the world to read what was written by Stephen Covey of the commandments

1. non-logical people not only care about their own interest, love them anyway

2. If you do good people Sathmk that selfish ulterior motives, do good anyway

3. If achieved success will earn fake friends and enemies Hakiqin, the most successful anyway

4-the good that you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway

5. Honesty and frankness Adjalanc vulnerable to criticism, Be honest and frank anyway

6. The greatest men and women who have the greatest ideas can stop them smaller men and women who have smaller brains, they carry great ideas anyway

7. People love the vulnerable, but they follow the proud, labored for vulnerable anyway

8-spend years in the building could collapse overnight, the son anyway

9. People are in dire need of assistance, but may attack you if you help them, helped them anyway

10. If given the world the best of what you have refunded you some abuse, Give the world the best you have anyway.
