The Tobous celebrate at the 15th September each year of culture day, in which all kinds of special costumes are worn in popular or traditional dresses in Libya, which has a variety of shapes and colors. Some of these costumes are for adults, some for children, others are unique for only Youth of both sexes each separately, and there is a special fashion for each season of the year, for work and other social events like holidays and seasons.
اليوم الوطنى للثقافة التباوية ..
يحتفل التبو فى 15-سبتمبر من كل عام باليوم الوطنى للثقافة التباوية وهو اليوم الذى يعرض فيه ابناء التبو عاداتهم وتقاليدهم وزيهم لكى يعرفوا العالم بثقافتهم وهويتهم ..